Rhyolite and Goldwell Open Air Museum
Rhyolite and the Goldwell Open Air Museum are located just outside of Beatty, Nevada. A visit has been on my list for years, but every time I find myself in Beatty, I’m always rushed by others to get wherever my destination is. However, I finally made it a point to do the 440-mile drive between Las Vegas and Reno over two days, on my way to Burning Man, to enjoy some of the sights along the way.

The turnoff to both places is four miles down the 374 Highway west of Beatty. You will encounter the Open Air Museum first, which consists of several sculptures out scattered about the desert. I would allow about one hour to walk among all of them. Here are some pictures.

For more pictures and information, please visit Goldwell Open Air Museum.
Just up the road about a half mile is the ghost town of Rhyolite. You can read all about its history at Wikipedia. Please forgive me if I only post some pictures.

There are remains of some other buildings, but I didn’t want this newsletter to be too long and boring. I hope these photos give you a taste of the twin sites. If you are ever passing through Beaty, I would highly recommend taking a couple of hours to visit.