Alaska Trivia

For this week’s newsletter we celebrate the great state of Alaska! Our largest state (in area) holds all kinds of state records and various distinctions. What better way to celebrate than with some trivia!
- Alaska is in what order of population of the 50 states?
- What was the capital of Alaska before Juneau?
- In what order was Alaska admitted as a state?
- How much did the US pay to purchase Alaska?
- What was this purchase infamously known as?
- What is the least visited National Park in the US?
- Which battle in Alaska saw the greatest number of casualties in World War II?
- What was the magnitude of the 1964 "Good Friday" earthquake, the most powerful in North American history?
- What is the northernmost settlement in the 50 US states?
- What is the southernmost settlement in the 50 US states?
- Westernmost?
- What is the easternmost point of the 50 US states?
- Alaska is not divided into counties, but into what?
- Highest recorded temperature?
- Lowest recorded temperature?
- What is the official state motto?
- What is the largest national park by area?
- The tallest mountain in the lower 48 states is Mount Whitney. Alaska has how many higher peaks?
- How long does Barrow experience 24-hour daylight every year?
- What percentage of the population in Alaska in male?
- In 2020 what was the busiest airport in the world?
- Of the 50 state names, Alaska has what distinction?
- What is the only community in Alaska not in the 907 area code?
- What was the name of the oil tanker that spilled 11 million gallons of oil in Price William Sound in 1989?

-50 degrees in Fairbanks. It wasn’t so bad.

Along the Alaska Pipeline, between Fairbanks and Valdez.

Downtown Anchorage.

The “world famous” Red Dog Saloon in Juneau.

Earthquake Park in Anchorage.

Downtown Seward.

Creek Street in Ketchikan. No “good time girls” to be seen.
- 48th. Vermont is 49th and Wyoming is 50th.
- Sitka.
- 49th. Between Arizona (48th) and Hawaii (50th).
- $7.2 million.
- Seward’s folly.
- Gates of the Arctic (only 2,872 visitors in 2020).
- Battle of Attu.
- 9.2
- Point Barrow, AK (71.23.20 degrees north).
- Discovery Harbour HI (19.02.34 degrees north).
- Adak AK (176.38.10 degrees west).
- Semisopochnoi Island (179.36.03 degrees east).
- Burroughs.
- 100 degrees is Fort Yukon, June 27, 1915.
- -80 at Prospect Creek Camp, Jan 23, 1971.
- North to the Future.
- Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve.
- 12.
- 3 months.
- 52%, the highest of the 50 states.
- Ted Stevens in Anchorage.
- It can be typed on one row of a keyboard.
- Hyder, which is in 250.
- The Exxon Valdez.

The sign says it all. I like how they start counting at 0. Goes to show Alaskans are good at math.

My visit to Alaska in 2010 I annoyed the entire state with the question of the name of their highest mountain. I still never got a definitive answer. Keep in mind this was before the name was officially changed to Mount Denali.