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U1 Gaming


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U1 Gaming makes multi-game machines featuring a large variety of video poker, keno and slot games. Video poker games comes in two types: "Pro Poker" and regular "Poker." In "Pro Poker" games, the game has an auto-hold feature, based on optimal strategy. In regular "poker" games, there is no auto-hold, so the player is on his own when it comes to strategy. One thing that sets U1 apart from other slot makers is they openly state the theoretical return for all their games. As the player bets more, the pay table becomes more generous, and thus the expected return increases.

IMG_0671-cus IMG_0672-cus

The following table shows the target return by game category and amount bet. In most cases, the actual returns may vary by 0.03% or so. For pick-2 keno, it varies more, because there are fewer pays to fine tune the return. The returns include a random bonus game, which contributes 0.5025% to the total return.

U1 Gaming Theoretical Returns

Bet Poker Pro Poker Keno Slots
$0.05 92.00% 91.00% 90.00% 90.00%
$0.10 93.00% 92.00% 91.00% 91.00%
$0.15 94.00% 93.00% 92.00% 92.00%
$0.20 94.50% 93.50% 92.50% 92.50%
$0.25 95.00% 94.00% 93.00% 93.00%
$0.30 95.50% 94.50% 93.50% 93.50%
$0.35 96.00% 95.00% 94.00% 94.00%
$0.40 96.50% 95.50% 94.50% 94.50%
$0.45 96.75% 95.75% 94.75% 95.00%
$0.50 97.00% 96.00% 95.00% 95.00%
$0.55 97.10% 96.10% 95.10% 95.10%
$0.60 97.20% 96.20% 95.20% 95.20%
$0.65 97.30% 96.30% 95.30% 95.30%
$0.70 97.40% 96.40% 95.40% 95.40%
$0.75 97.50% 96.50% 95.50% 95.50%
$0.80 97.60% 96.60% 95.60% 95.65%
$0.85 97.70% 96.70% 95.70% 95.80%
$0.90 97.80% 96.80% 95.80% 96.00%
$0.95 97.90% 96.90% 95.90% 96.00%
$1.00 98.00% 97.00% 96.00% 96.00%
$1.25 98.13% 97.13% 96.13% 96.13%
$1.50 98.25% 97.25% 96.25% 96.25%
$1.75 98.38% 97.38% 96.38% 96.38%
$2.00 98.50% 97.50% 96.50% 96.50%
$2.25 98.56% 97.63% 96.65% 96.60%
$2.50 98.63% 97.75% 96.80% 96.70%
$2.75 98.69% 97.88% 96.90% 96.80%
$3.00 98.75% 98.00% 97.00% 96.90%
$3.25 98.78% 98.06% 97.06% 97.00%
$3.50 98.81% 98.13% 97.13% 97.10%
$3.75 98.84% 98.19% 97.19% 97.20%
$4.00 98.88% 98.25% 97.25% 97.30%
$4.25 98.91% 98.31% 97.31% 97.40%
$4.50 98.94% 98.38% 97.38% 97.50%
$4.75 98.97% 98.44% 97.44% 97.50%
$5.00 99.00% 98.50% 97.50% 97.50%
$6.00 99.00% 98.60% 97.60% 97.63%
$7.00 99.00% 98.70% 97.70% 97.75%
$8.00 99.00% 98.80% 97.80% 97.88%
$9.00 99.00% 98.90% 97.90% 98.00%
$10.00 99.25% 99.00% 98.00% 98.00%
$15.00 99.25% 99.00% 98.00% 98.00%
$20.00 99.35% 99.00% 98.00% 98.00%
$40.00 99.35% 99.00%   98.00%
$50.00 99.40% 99.00%   98.00%
$75.00 99.40% 99.00%    
$100.00 99.50% 99.00%    


Here are a few pictures to show some examples of U1 games.

Bullet Fever

Redneck Reels

Count Your Chicks


The following screenshot shows more information about the payback for U1 games.
